With Christ In The School of Prayer

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Heavens

The Heavens

In the beginning created God the heavens and the earth; 
and the earth was without form and empty, 
and darkness on the face of the deep; 
and the Spirit of God was brooding on the face of the waters.


Then said God, 
Let be light and was light.
And saw God the light that good (it was) 
and separated God between the light and the darkness.
And called God the light Day. and the darkness He called Night;
and was the mixing and was the breaking forth time one.
Fig2, a sun flare

The requirement for light to become visible from the reference of the earth's surface is for the atmosphere above the earth to go from opaque to at least a partially translucent condition and rotation of the planet is required for the periodic day and night cycle. If the atmosphere was only partially translucent so that little light would be admitted to the surface, the diffusion of the light would not allow the moon and stars to be visible, and the sun, if visible at all, only as a slightly brighter area in the sky.

For a detailed description of the reason for the substitution of "time" for day, "the mixing" for evening and "the breaking forth" for morning read "Days of Genesis" Use the browser "back" function to return to this page.

And said God, 
Let be an expanse in the midst of the waters,
and let it (be) dividing between waters (and) the waters.
And made God the expanse,
and He separated between the waters which (were) under the expanse,
and the waters which (were) above the expanse,
and it was so.
And called God the expanse Heavens;
and was the mixing and was the breaking forth time second.
Fig 3, the earth with its clouds and oceans

As the earth's atmosphere is clearing and transmitting more light resulting in more heating of the surface, there would be changes in the nature of the atmosphere. There has been many theories proposed concerning the "waters above", but the fact is, this could just simply be the hydrological cycle forming that we presently have with large amounts of waters contained in clouds at various heights above the earth. A very unique atmosphere for our solar system, no other planet has a atmosphere that is in any way similar to the one on our earth. The forming of the atmosphere of a planet would seem to be controlled by the following conditions.

1. Distance from Sun (surface temperature of planet)
2. Mass and radius of planet = surface gravity = gas escape velocity
3. chemical reactions = different molecules are created and destroyed in various environments, higher temperatures mean faster reactions
4. geological activity = amount of out gassing, more activity = more out gassing = thicker atmosphere
5. living organisms = change the composition through their waste products

All of the above factors had to be delicately balanced by the Designer to achieve the marvelous ecosystem that we presently live in.

And said God, 
Let be collected the waters under the heavens to place one,
and let appear the dry land; and it was so.
And called God the dry land Earth,
and the collection of the waters He called Seas,
and saw God good (it was).
And said God,
Let sprout the earth tender sprouts (the) herb seeding seed,
(and) tree of fruit producing fruit after its kind,
which it (is) in it on the earth;
and it was so.
And bore the earth tender sprouts (the) herb seeding seed after its kind,
and tree producing fruit which its (is) in it after its kind;
and saw God that (it was) good.
And was the mixing and was the breaking forth time third.
As per factor 5 above, living organisms are an important part of the development cycle for the atmospheric part of the heavens.


Fig 4 , the atmosphere
And said God,
Let be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to divide between the day
and the night and let them be for signs,
and for seasons and for days and years;
and let them be for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens,
to give light on the earth;
and it was so.
And brought forth God, two the luminaries great;
the luminary great for the rule of the day,
and the luminary small for the rule of the night,
and the stars.
And appointed them God in the heavens to give light on the earth,
and to rule over the day and over the night, 
and to separate between the light and the darkness;
and saw God that good (it was).
And was the mixing and was the breaking forth time the fourth.
moon stars

Fig 5, the moon
 -- Fig 6, stars and comet

For all the elements of the sky to be fully visible from the surface it is necessary for the atmosphere to complete its development and become in the main part transparent. Except for the frequent cloudy and stormy conditions, of course.

The concept of the "greater light to rule the day" and "the lesser light to rule the night" affirms the surface of the earth as the reference point for the creation record. This concept is appropriate only from or within a relatively limited distance from the surface of the earth. From the outer heavens (space) the lesser light becomes only another rather minor planetary object of our solar system which only reflects the light of the sun. From the majority of all other possible reference points in our small solar system the sun rules! From outside our solar system both become rather minor objects of this expansive universe.

Conclusion: By substituting fully acceptable translations for Strong's #6213 'asah", "brought forth" for "made", and Strong's #5414 "nathan", "appointed" for "set", we believe we have a translation that is more in line with the true meaning of the Hebrew Masoretic text. See the Appendix for details, and note that instead of having a very limited leeway for translation, the Hebrew words of interest have a very great range of acceptable English meanings.

( To view a revised translation of chapter 1 and a paraphrase take a look at -[1]- Use the browser "back" function to return to this page.)

Appendix A: Extracts from "The Interlinear Bible" and Strong's "Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary".




Sunday, December 13, 2015

Revelation Chapter 1


Introduction to Chapter 1

The book of Revelation is letter written to seven churches in Asia, revealed to the Apostle John by Jesus and signified by an angel.  John was probably in his eighties since this was taking place about A.D. 95, over sixty years after the crucifixion.  John, who was younger then, is now sixty years older.  John was sent to Patmos, to work the mines as punishment for his bold testimony of Jesus Christ.

While on this island, Jesus Christ appears to John and  dictates a letter for John to send to the Seven Churches in Asia.  Though the letter is to seven specific churches, the letter applies to all believers. Jesus instructs those with “spiritual ears” to listen,

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”

The word Revelation means, unveiling, the veil of the future is lifted from the eyes of believers and the plan of eternity set forth.  A blessing is promised to those hear, read and keep the words revealed.

Chapter 1 introduces us to the rest of the letter, establishing the background. John answers the questions, who is the author? what are the circumstances behind the letter?  How it was revealed? and Who revealed it?

The first chapter shows Christ in his glory appearing to his servant John. Christ comforts John, who is on Patmos for his testimony of Christ, he assures John, He is in control.  Jesus Christ reaffirms his nature and identity in this chapter, anticipating the apostasy to develop in the church as his nature and work in the future would be denied.


Revelation 1

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants-things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John,

2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.

3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

Revelation: The Greek word is ajpokavluyi Apokalupsis and means laying bear, making naked, disclosure of truth. The letter is from God the Father to Jesus Christ, signified by His angel, to John for the church. Jesus removes the veil, and allows His church to see the plan for eternity.

His servant:  The word servant comes from the Greek word, dou’lo Doulos meaning, a slave, bondman, man of servile condition. Those who trust Christ, become his servants.  We are representatives of Jesus Christ in this world, to announce his kingdom and establish his salvation in the earth.  A servant does the master’s will, not his own. We are called in service to administer the kingdom.

The letter is to the servants of Christ,  for this reason, unless someone is Christ’s servant, the letter makes no sense.

Shortly take place: The  Greek word, tavco Tachos meaning, quickness speed. The events revealed to John have immediate application.  In the 63-years since Christ death on the cross, the Church had grown from Jerusalem to encompass the whole Roman Empire.  There were literally hundreds of churches established throughout the Empire and beyond.

Signified: The Greek word  shmaivnw Semaino means, to give a sign, to signify, indicate.  The book of Revelation is filled with signs and symbols. For the most part, the explanations of these signs are within the context of the scripture or within the whole body of scripture.  For example in chapter one, Jesus, glorified, stands in the center seven lamp stands holding seven stars.  In verse 20, we find the meaning of the lamp stands and stars, the lamp stands represent seven churches and stars, seven angels.

Angel:  The identity of the angel  is subject to speculation.  Gabriel is the most likely candidate.  Gabriel first identified in Daniel 8, communicates the message from God’s throne to God servants. Gabriel is seen again in Daniel 9 and in Luke 1:19, 26 where the birth of John and the Messiah is announced.

The word of God:  In this letter, John is an eye-witness merely reporting what he sees.  The word   witness comes from the Greek word,  marturevw Martureo where the word “martyr” is derived.  John  personally testifies about what he has sees.

That he saw:  From Chapter one to the last chapter, 22, John stats 38 times that he personally “Saw” the events taking place.  John, as a servant to Christ is reporting what he has seen to the churches.

Blessed: Revelation is the only book of the Bible with the promise blessing to the reader.